Saturday, August 3, 2013

Well, I have been trying to preblog. That is to blog the day before the blog is due. I shall forget about that and just blog in the evenings. Today, I woke up, got dressed, had breakfast, drove to town (a couple of yard sales), got gas, stopped at a neighbor's yard sale, headed over to shoot(photography) a local rodeo (which I was late for), and headed home to eat lunch around three. I went the first time to my neighbor's yard sale and bought a wagon (full size flexible flyer) for $5. At the same yard sale, I bought some leather material (real leather that you can sew on a regular machine). Coming back from the rodeo, I thought of all the leather and wondered if my flowers would work. I sat down and stitched a single flower to know if I should go get more. YES!!! So, off I went to get more. This also gave me more time to look over the yard sale. I found a couple of dresses and a shirt and a Christmas tree (if my son wanted it). I took pictures of the tree and went home. After my son saw the tree, he decided, yes, he did want the tree. So, back I went. This time, I loaded the tree. She seemed tire and overwhelmed by all the work before her. I set her down in a chair and began my magic. I did the manual lifting of items to this or that box helping her create the keep and thrift store piles. It didn't seem to take too much time as we were getting to know each other at the same time. I helped her load all the thrift store stuff in her van and headed home.
This is the leather flower that I just know would be a hit with a western/country bride or that country girl headband or even a hatband to go on a cowgirl hat.
Happy Yard Sales to all!

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