Thursday, August 8, 2013

Good Morning!  I did get some things done yesterday. Sorted, weeded, and moved out some of my clothes after I made the bed. I picked some of the last of our blueberries and put two quarts in the freezer. The birds and squirrels just love the berries. They can tell there seems to be fewer and fewer. The fight more and more now that they are almost gone. I pulled all on my sewing items and cloth together into one pile. I decided how to finish the little flowergirl's head piece. The bride loves it. My kitchen is clean. After a full day of accomplishments, I rewarded myself with a very small edit on the rodeo pictures.
Double Stars

Something is Coming

Turning the Other Cheek.

This is my favorite so far. The unity of movement in the horses step and the color of the hats sandwiches all the differences in between. The shirts are different colors and styles as well as the horses color. Even the ropee has contrasted colors.

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