Saturday, August 10, 2013

Today, my husband and I went to a couple of yard sales. I found several nice things. Above is a 16 inch globe on a vintage mic stand that I found a couple of weeks ago along with the globe on the bed in the middle.

This picture is a close-up shot of the 10th globe in our collection.

About a month ago my daughter and I worked on a guest room at my sons house. I really should say that my daughter did most of the work.

This was number 8.

Above is number 12 that was added to the family just today. Number 11 is not picture but is a 5-6 inch globe with a pencil sharpener built into the base.

Yesterday I was blessed to work with Courtney. She modeled two of my wedding dresses. This one has a tinge of Alabama orange clay that was in the water. I have soaked the dress and am pretty sure it may go through a dye process to another color. Don't you think red would be an awesome color. Yes, she was in the creek with this dress. The other pictures are just as fun.

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