Saturday, August 10, 2013

After a weekend in Huntsville with my daughter, I am back at home. Greeted by at least 30 chores that need tending, my unpacking pile, and future photography projects, I feel a bit overwhelmed.

One big project that is finished and intended to be in tomorrow's mail is a wedding photo book for my nephew and new niece. The book is so beautiful that I had a hard time sending it to them. For comfort, I bought my own copy which is in the mail to me today. YAY! I can't wait for her to email me with wonderful thanks and adoration for putting their memories into a book. She is so sweet.

I am a bit perplexed over the next project. I have close to 400 pictures from the Huntsville Garden Club Old Town tour that I went on in June. I am thinking of publishing a book of the photos and selling it. My reservation is the lack of funds to invest in such a project. I may just do a couple for a friend and leave it at that. It sounds like something I am not equipped to do on a large scale.

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