Today, my prayer. Lord, help me to stay focused, to accomplish what you set for me to do, to encourage people, and to find your purpose in all that occupies my heart and mind.

This picture was taken by a friend in 2005. This is my oldest, who turns 30 tomorrow. This is one of my favorite pictures. It reminds me of his overwhelming love for music. His love for music has always been there. While he was in the nursery, at two years old, if the music stopped, he would point at the boom box and say mooozic. He wanted music. We were so busy building our lives and living every day, we never pursued music. When he was 14, we helped a friend with their moving sale. While I was working and cleaning, he picked up a little colorful toy piano and taught himself to play. He took the toy home with him and never quit loving the sound. He has since gone to college, played the grand piano for the church for several years, and to this day has keys to make music in his own home. I would always marvel at the way he played. He always looked like Shroder from Charlie Brown. If he could, he would just melt right into the keys and play his heart out. It's a blessing to watch him play. I cannot count the times that people have told me how they were blessed by watching and hearing him play. His heart is to please God and live in His plan. I know that he struggles with living the single life, waiting on who God has chosen for his mate. I also know the sheer joy of knowing God is the best one to orchestrate His plan. I do not normally write about nor make known all the pride that lives in my heart for each of my kids. I guess something about your oldest turning 30, just sets the mind to thinking.
I also turn 47 in a couple of days. I keep thinking of ways to celebrate by giving back through my photography. I find myself struggling with the photography. God, Why have you given me this passion that I cannot pay for? What am I to do with it? How can I be used by you without being abused by others?
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