Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Today, I have sat around and done nothing.  My kitchen is clean, but that doesn't count. In another hour, it will be messy again.

Here are a few pictures that I took Monday night after a photo club meeting.

This was on the street outside.


This lady stepped out of work to come see who the celebrity was. She saw all the cameras and had her cell camera ready. She gave us a quick wave once she found out what we were doing and went back to work.
I walked by the rides.  I was tempted to ride on this one. It is my favorite all time. Not sure if I could have done it. If I had not had my camera, I more than likely would have ridden.

I moved on to the bumper cars where there were 4 friends just having fun.

I took a few fun light shots.
I then went home and took this one of me on my front porch.
Happy 47th Birthday to me!

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