Sunday, February 2, 2014


When a snowflake falls in Alabama, three things happen. Cars forget their training and jump straight into the nearest ditch. Milk flies off the shelf as if cows will never be milked again. And, the little child inside sits by the window never satisfied with all the white on the ground. If there is an inch, I am hoping for 2. If there is 2, I am hoping for 3.
The snow last week brought the high hill sledding on the first day. When I say high hill, I am talking about the street in our neighborhood that goes up 220 feet. My husband sledded down the hill so fast all of the neighbor fellow's jaws dropped. On the second day, the hill had ruts and grooves that froze overnight and made it impossible to ride with any sort of control. On day three, I built a 5ft snowman by the mailbox that still has small traces three days later.

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