Sunday, July 31, 2011
Bonus day!?!
Well . . .
I am recovering from yardsaling and thrifting all day county wide yesterday.
I am also trying to rest and take a breath before tomorrow which will only be filled with sorting out all my fun weekend activities.
I am also trying to balance between sorting the past and planning the future.
That being said, I am going to soak in a nice hot bath. Maybe I will make it a cold bath.
Friday, July 29, 2011
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
second part Distracted
Tuesday that feels like Monday

Friday, July 1, 2011
Friday Morning Fun
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Hormones amplify life
Monday, June 27, 2011
Hi everyone!
I have neglected my blog more than I care to admit. I find so much joy in my photography and it takes up quite a bit of my time. I have not sold hardly anything lately, so that discourages me from sharing it with the world. Just when I think no one gets anything from my photos, someone will post on facebook how much they love seeing my pictures.
There has been a great deal going on since my last post, but it is all mundane things EXCEPT for my new-used lens. I am doing a wedding in October for some friends. They bought me a $1700.00 lens so that I could take good pictures at the wedding. Now I am trying to practice and get used to the lens. It is so hot out, and when it is not hot, I am having a hot flash. I believe strongly in my home being a nudist colony, at least from the waist up. If I wear tube tops, I seem to be okay, but anytime I have clothing over my shoulders, look out.
I will write more later.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Hello from beyond allergy zone
Once again, my sister has a graduating high school senior, except this year she has two. One of her boys skipped a grade and he also is going to be officially ed u ma cay ted!!!
I arrived in time for Easter festivities at my sister's house. Egg hunts, dinner, and pictures with 20 guests. What fun!
Then a week later, PROM!!! I had pre-scheduled to have a photoshoot with a nephew and his girl as they were going to prom. I was allowed into the prom as a photographer. Awesome time and the pics are great!
I was able to attend a Golf Tournament as a photographer and take pictures until it was over.
I managed to get in a few more sunsets than my other trips.
There is an exhibit opening in Moscow, Idaho featuring my photos of the Farmers Market. There is an article in the paper about me and the exhibit.
After getting home, I am trying to tie up the loose ends and catch up on all the photos I took.
All of the photos can be seen at my website~
Thursday, March 31, 2011
HI peeps!
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Esther-Reversal of Destiny
Monday, March 7, 2011
Fun, Freezing, Funeral, Family, Friends
Saturday, I did a Senior Portrait Drape shot in the morning, and it rained the rest of the day. Saturday evening, we met our son, Jon, our daughter, Jessica, and her husband, Brian, at the mall for dinner at Max Orient. I have been dreaming of the tangy BarBQ chicken for about 2 months. I think they changed their recipe, or I just built the food up in my mind way too much. I think the leftovers are better than the fresh cooked taste. Maybe the flavors marinate in more after a day or two.
Sunday, I was blessed to be able to ride to Gadsden and do some engagement pictures for a friend. We froze on the streets of Gadsden, Alabama. After the shoot, I went over to the Green Trail, a Save-Our-Waters Project trail. I spent more time there than anywhere else in Gadsden.
This morning, Monday, I had mu husband wake me up since I will be going to a funeral at 11. I wanted to get some things accomplished around the house before I leave. The laundry is almost done, and I have sorted through and narrowed down the 400+ engagement pictures to less than 200. The bride will select her favorites tomorrow. Since I have not accomplished as much as I had hoped this morning, maybe one of the things on my list should be to make a list for tomorrow morning. Then, I should stay focused. Even this post was not on my to-do list today, but I am glad that I posted.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
My son says do not dwell on the lies but take truth, dismiss the other, and look for the higher ground.
My husband says she sounds like a friend not worth having.
It is true that the higher ground is not as crowded, but sometimes I get distracted by the lower roads forking off.
Then last night I hear this quote at the end of CSI. Two guys are talking and the one expresses a desire to have evil punished severly. I loved what the other guy warned, "Careful . . . evil has a way of making friends with the good and dragging them into the darkness."
What an awesome week spiritually for me.
A couple weeks ago, I envisioned this new woman because I got a haircut, my contacts finally came in, and changes in me because of Bible study. It's true; my haircut is shorter than it has been in a long time. My eyes shine more without glasses to hide behind. Most changes are inner workings that only I can see.
Another major thing not necessarily for me, but a dear, dear friend sits at the bedside of her dying grandmother. It could be any day. The pain of my friend's heart saying goodbye and not sure when the final goodbye will be is hard. I want to make it better, to hold them tight, but to hold her hand is all I can do. I know it helps just being there, but I want to do more. Two weeks ago our Esther study was about Esther's desire to ease Mordecai as he sat at the gates in sackcloth and ashes. Humans have a hard time looking into pain and suffering without desiring to ease or erase it.
Today is a new day. I still need breakfast and a walk. Goals today include cleaning my house and going through the summer clothes.
Monday, February 14, 2011
photo letters

Why is the download quality so stinky? The first picture is of me. The S came from a bench in my front yard. The H is two big trees with the childhood swings that were built for my children. The A is the hanging swing frame. The R is from another bench. The O is on a train window at the park down the road. The N is the Z from our wood transfer door.
I discovered my day-planner is missing. The last time and place I saw it was Feb 7th at my eye doctor's office. The last place I have not searched high and low is my son's house in Oxford.
Saturday, I went and picked up some money from renting one dress and selling one dress through a dress shop in Peidmont. It helps me by giving me a place to store most of my dresses and make some money at the same time.
Tomorrow, I must get busy on my homework for the Bible class I have been involved in. We are studying Esther and it is awesome.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Pastor Smitty
Sunday night, Steve and I went to the visitation service of our dear Pastor Smith. The visitation was more like a church homecoming or family reunion. It was wonderful seeing people who shared this man with us. It is true that the memories they had were not the same as ours, but we all loved him. We comforted each other with stories, held each other with hugs, and shared tears of sadness and joy. It was wonderful to see people we had not seen in years all celebrating one man's life and his love for people. I was so excited coming home and into the night thinking, what a day of rejoicing that will be and posted about my feelings.
Yesterday, I went to the funeral and graveside service. With permission, I was there early to take some pictures of the flowers and set up some camera light settings for the service. First, four ladies sung together two songs to open the service. Pastor TR Harper prayed. I am not sure if he prayed before the opening songs or after. Pastor Harper then spoke about special events and mission trips that he shared with "Smitty," and how that after a few trips, he realised that he was on the trip to help keep Smitty's hair in place.
After Pastor TR spoke, Samantha Brown sang, "We Shall Behold Him," followed by Ricky saying a few words.
He thanked everyone for coming and for the outpouring of comments and respect for his dad and the family. Ricky went on and spoke him being a husband and a father. He said that some people called him Sargeant, some Pastor Smith, some Brother Smith, and some Smitty. "Some of you may call him other things," which brought laughs from the crowd. He went on the say that he had three important things in his life. He had his Savoir and Ricky told of his dad's salvation experience. "Another thing my dad had in his life was his Bible," and Ricky took the Bible carefully and lovingly held it high in the air. He placed it back on the pedestal and went on to say, "The third thing he had, and every good man needs one, is a good woman." Ricky took a rose from the flowers and on his father's behalf, presented it to his mother as we all teared up at this gentle gesture of love and compassion. He then took his seat on the left side of his mother. (Jerry was seated on the right.
Shelton and Samantha sang a song that had been stirring in Shelton since the service had started. He had not planned to do it, but he had permission from the family to do what he felt he needed to do. After they sang, all the singers involved in the service lead the whole congregation in a song. Everyone stood up as we cried and sang, "When We All Get To Heaven," which was the song Brother Smith sang right after getting saved.
Pastor TR closed the service with an altar call. Even in the funeral procession to the Fill Military Graveside Service, I was seeing life differently. Here we were in a line, going through town, driving through stop signs, following the car in front and honoring a man who is still leading the way.
Once the family has had a chance to see the pictures, I may post some.
Monday, January 31, 2011
photos, fellowship, and funerals
Ten days ago on a Saturday, I went to a neighbor's basketball game because they wanted to know if I could try to get any good shots of the playing. After taking them, it was time to sort through them. Now, I am waiting for her to come look at them.
Last Monday, my father-in-law went into the hospital for a "routine" double bypass surgery. Once they were in to see the mess, the doctors realised it was worse than they thought. It turned into a triple bypass, valve issues, vein transplant from the leg, and installing a pacemaker. All of this was still somewhat routine, but because of his medical history and age, his recovery is possibly the slowest one. It seems so slow to me. Looking at brochures that tell you this is what you should expect on day one or two or three IS NOT a good idea. Due to the slow recovery, I headed over to be with his girlfriend until the danger passed. I left Tuesday morning with my house totally clean and in order. Thursday evening, I pulled the doctor to the side and asked if I should head back to Alabama now or was he still in danger. The doctor looked at me and said, "Stay one more day." By the next night they moved him from ICU to a regular room and the nurse told me he had passed critical. Friday night, I headed home.
Saturday, Steve and I headed out for a day in the woods looking for caves, taking pictures, and enjoyed being together.
Sunday evening, last night, we went to the visitation of a dear dear dear man. He is the spiritual father that God placed in our lives to help us grow during our younger years. For about 20 years we listened to his common sense and heard his loving heart beat for the Lord. He always warned against building pedestals because they cause people to trip. We are all inclined to climb up on pedestals when other build them for us but usually fall in the end. He always felt inadequate to speak words because of his slight speech problem. When our youngest graduated we asked him to please pray over her during the ceremony. He declined saying something about not speaking in public anymore because he did not want to embarrass anyone. I still cry at that idea. I told him and whole-heartedly believe that he would never embarrass our family. He finally agreed and the spiritual impact of his heart in our lives will always be there. The funeral is today. Due to rain, I may not get very many pictures, but I am open to what God wants to do with my lens.
I started going to a Bible study in Pleasant Valley at a friend's house. The study guide is called "Esther: It's Tough Being A Woman" by Beth Moore. We meet Wednesday afternoons.
Today I have a small list of big chores. I came home Friday and unloaded the car into the floor. Steve and I went on our outing Saturday and unloaded into the same pile on the floor. With a little time I should get caught up pretty quickly. Couple small loads of laundry, photo orders (a good thing), photo appointments (also a good thing), get contact lens order straightened out (the sent me the wrong contacts-What's up with that), and catch up on my study guide for Esther.
One big thing that I have not mentioned. Steve says I seem depressed. I think about it and maybe I am. I was in and out of the Cardiac and Vascular Center for 4 days looking at the future. Seeing heart problems everywhere as I walk down the halls makes me wonder if this fat, overweight body is the body I want to take with me into old age. Then I get back and a dear dear old friend, mentor, and pastor has passed. Pages keep flipping. The winds of life keep blowing. And looking out the window on rainy, winter woods Shake it off, get to my chores and look in the mirror and say to self, BE BLESSED! God is Good! All the time!!!
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
SO much has happened.
Aside form the white Christmas, I found myself much more relaxed this year. I took time to enjoy the special people in my life. All the kids were home. My husband was off until the 3rd. Then we heard around the 5th that snow was on the way. For four days, I feel like I sat around and waited on the snow. It was worth waiting on. January 9th it snowed 3.5 inches and then added about .5 to 1 inch of slush ice on top of the snow. I built a snowman this weekend that still has remnants sitting on the ground by the mailbox. After nine days later, some warmer temps, and a rain shower or two, the bottom of the snowman still remains. WOW!
Sunday, since our woodstack was getting low, we tried to split some firewood. The electric splitter that we bought in Nov of 2009 quit working right. We took it back to Lowe's. It is on recall so they could not replace it. In the end, they just refunded our money.
Monday, we cut down several smaller trees to restock our firewood supply. We also took a walk around the property looking for standing dead trees that would be good to use as well.
Today, I feel stifled. I have tons of motivation but lack the focused goal. I have decided to work on my living room. My Christmas tree is still up and I am very glad that it is.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Sunday, January 2, 2011