Why is the download quality so stinky? The first picture is of me. The S came from a bench in my front yard. The H is two big trees with the childhood swings that were built for my children. The A is the hanging swing frame. The R is from another bench. The O is on a train window at the park down the road. The N is the Z from our wood transfer door.
I discovered my day-planner is missing. The last time and place I saw it was Feb 7th at my eye doctor's office. The last place I have not searched high and low is my son's house in Oxford.
Saturday, I went and picked up some money from renting one dress and selling one dress through a dress shop in Peidmont. It helps me by giving me a place to store most of my dresses and make some money at the same time.
Tomorrow, I must get busy on my homework for the Bible class I have been involved in. We are studying Esther and it is awesome.
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