Friday, July 29, 2011


I am trying to stay encouraged with my etsy store. With the economy the way it is, it appears that people generally look, but try not to buy things that they do not absolutely need. Old suitcases, antique toys, and vintage spools are not on the list of essentials.
Yesterday as I wondered through town, I came upon an excellent idea. So, if I get the time, I shall make a new listing. I hope they sell like hotcakes.
I find myself frustrated with facebook as well. It was for my friends, but has slowly become a business connection for my photography. I started a new page but find it difficult to separate the old page. I probably just need to figure out how to make a page just for the photography and kill off the old pages altogether and move to this sight to stay connected with my friends. But then these pages would become clogged with trying to get back to comments on old posts.
Anyway, our plans for Huntsville were cancelled this weekend. Steve seems to be a fish out of water not knowing what to do. There are so many projects to work on around here that it seems to go anywhere is a silly idea.

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