Monday, December 31, 2012

Plans, Projects, and Progress

When I titled my post, I thought this might be longer than my first intent. I figured I would drop in a line to update my peeps on a few things. Now I am thinking, KEEP IT SIMPLE, DO NOT GO OVERBOARD.
1. Once a month updates to refresh my writing journals and such. I tend to get to December and wondered what did I do all year.
2. Refresh my world. Stay in touch through a concentrated effort.

1. Budget
2. Home
3. Body
4. Kitchen Cabinet Doors built
5. Christmas Decorations sorted and junk out!

Progress-I am doing it!
1. Decluttering my home. I started with the bathroom last month and hope to tackle one room each month. My daughter says I should add the yard to that list as well.
2. Decluttering my body. After some small talk about being overweight, I have endeavored to begin the rest of my life. It sounds cliche, but through determination and changing my thoguht pattern, I can do this. This time next year, my fitness pal (website that aids you in caloric intake and information), my daughter, my daughter's boyfriend, my friends, and MYSELF will be cheering my progress. DISCIPLINE!!!!

Photography ~ I really do love the results that come out of my camera. I designed books of the home-town college homecoming parade and ordered a copy. I LOVE IT! It sits on my table along with a flower garden book. I am thinking of steering more towards books and even calendars. I enjoy the books more. I might need to add text and stories to go with the pictures. I also took pictures at two local parades and I think they would make great books as well.

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