Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Today, I feel very solemn, hurt, and disappointed. Last night as I watched election results, I thought of how sad it is that a people can be so selfish. I have to ask, "Lord, am I selfish."  I hear in my heart the answer, "Sometimes . . .      I have enjoyed having my own little world. I am not afraid of pursecution for my faith. I am not fearful of where my next meal will come from; it is quite obvious that my body suffers no lack. My house is filled with wonderful trinkets, props, and tools that allow me to pursue my selfish ways. 
Now, I shall walk some stress off and go to the neighbors house. I will return with new resolve to practice some selflessness.

1 comment:

  1. I was feeling the same disappointment this morning but then I remembered, it wasn't God that was running in the election. He's still God. He's still in control. He loves us still. And our duty is to pray for the newly elected.

    If we go out to eat this week, let's make a pact...only happy talk. Deal? :)

    Have a great day my friend, enjoy the peace, and come visit my blog. :)
