I went to a funeral yesterday. I could not help but notice the children and how they can be such a mirror of the adults. One child fidgeted and could hardly stay still. I thought of the young men on the front row who must feel just like the little boy, wanting to be anywhere but in their seat. Another child was crying for food, too young to even know why she was there. Another child had a quiet look about her as she laid her head on her mother's shoulder and went off to sleep, peacefully dreaming of another place.
It is hard to say goodbye to those we love. The last relative to leave the graveside was a
granddaughter that could not quite give up but tried to hold fast in her heart the treasures that he left behind. We took comfort in knowing that he was purchased by the creator and we shall see him again one day.

I most every time I am at a funeral I think of how wonderful it is to have special people in my life that have chosen Jesus. I always shed happy tears knowing that Heaven is my eternal home and sad tears because my earthly father has not chosen the same eternal home.
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