Monday, October 27, 2014

Good Days, So-So Days, and Frustrating Days

We all have them.  The sweet, relaxed, refreshing days along with the confused, depressed days make up the story of our life.  Some days, I wake up with my feet in the "go" position and nothing stops me.  I accomplish my to do lists, pay the bills, clean the tubs, and look for more to add to my list so that I can check it off.  Other days, I wake up going and quickly fizzle out accomplishing very little but still feeling good and relaxed. Today has not been one of those days.  I woke up thinking and planning of three projects at once.  It is after noon, and I am still trying to decide between three projects.  Those three projects are as follows: Clean my kitchen ( I mean CLEAN the kitchen),

sort and put away photo props (that involves setting a scene, taking pictures,

and putting them into storage), and work on my office closet.  All the while the real chores (paying bills) goes unattended.  I did design my logo to add to my props.

So I turn the corner of my day, and as Fly Lady says, START OVER, right here, right now! I think I will go finish the kitchen, then pay bills, then put away the suitcases.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

I Come to the Garden Alone

Sunday morning, I was up before sunrise to capture a picture for a client's wedding day.  As I watched God's paintbrush in action, the sky lit up with glorious color. 
On purpose, I took this in the family field where the ceremony took place.
As the color faded, the daylight took over, and I could see my way to walk through the field.  I prayed for the couple and God's hand to be at work in their lives and in my own.
It was such a sweet time of fellowship in God's garden.  I was walking through the field when I noticed a unique plant.  I pounced on it.  I felt special to see such a treasure.  A heart filled with Love from God on such a quiet, beautiful day.
Then, I came across these pretty clover like stalks.

I added them to the heart and became even more delighted.

Another couple of steps, I began to see color everywhere in this field of green.

I added the bright red and green leaves to the mix.

Along the walk, I spyed another beauty and thought of my sister's love for the color purple.
and added it to the mix. 
Not totally done, I found a stalk of white flowers to add in.

Thrilled with all the color and beauty in my hand, I thought I was done.
It was not so. A Star grass bud was alone in the field. 

No longer lonely, it was added to the hand full of flowers.

I saw some grass that was beyond the normal green and filled with more maroon.
Once it was added, I was sure to be finished.
On the edge of the field, bright yellow flowers called to join in the party.

Yes, it was complete now.  I had a special bouquet along with a wonderful walk in the garden. I thought of the song lyrics, " I come to the garden alone, while the dew is still on the roses . . ."
The song implies I came alone but God didn't leave me there alone.  I feel just a bit more special in that God came with me to the garden and never left my side. I am blessed and encouraged by God's love for me and how he shows me how special I am by handing me a beautiful bouquet.