Thursday, December 4, 2014

Photo Challenge

This week, I was challenged to do a set of 12 shots using the Sunny 16 Rule.  The Rule states that on a sunny day you can shoot at F16 using an ISO and shutter speed that mirror each other. Example ISO at 200 would give you proper exposure at 1/200th shutter speed.  So, I go out and walk around my yard to see if I can learn anything.  Well the clouds mix with the sunshine and that, in itself, throws the rule off.  Determined to learn, I venture on. adjusting a few settings.  Then, I come to this awesome subject. I put aside the learning to get the image.
Sunny 16 Settings ~ F 16  ISO 200  SS 1/200

Aggravated at trying to figure out a "RULE" and not getting anywhere, I pop my camera over to the P (professional) and grab the image.  I LOVE and I mean LOVE the colors and excitement going on down in the center of the acorn husk. The raindrop is leaching a natural oak dye into the bowl. Anyway back to the challenge.
P settings ~ F5  ISO 200 SS 1/400 
I learned and know and understand the Triangle of settings.  I am slowly coming to understand the lenses and the effect of the zoom and bokeh and such that goes into an image. 
I also know how to get what I want out of an image if given enough time.  PURPOSE is MORE than HUGE when it comes to images.  Focal points, light, Depth of field are more to me than subjects I read about in a magazine or a tutorial.  
So, I walk around a little bit more to get the Sunny 16 completed, snapping interesting subjects.  The clouds make for challenges. 
Once I am at the computer (NO EDITS ALLOWED), I download and go to read an article on the Sunny 16 RULE.   I found it interesting, but I also understand WHY the rule is going away. TECHNOLOGY and PURPOSE.  The society is no longer dependent upon RULES to get an image to serve their purpose.  Rules become more like guides. the Sunny 16 is in my opinion a basic starting point to ALL the weather rules.  If you shoot in snow . . .  If it is cloudy. . . and so on.  I will ever be grateful to my photography teacher for the care and attention she put into our class.  The assignments may have been more of a curriculum than the teacher, but she put care into helping us understand what each element could do.  She is the reason my camera is a tool.  I USE MY CAMERA,  The camera does not dictate to me what the purpose of the image is.  My heart tells my mind what I want and my mind uses the camera.
That being said, here are the other images with the settings. 
^ f 16  400  1/400 V

 From the point on all images are F 16  200   1/200

I tried to only shoot when the sun was it's brightest so I could stay on the F 16 setting.  I need to read up on this rule more to better understand how to move away from it to get to my purpose.  I tend to shoot more portrait/detail which lends itself more to the open F stop.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Good Days, So-So Days, and Frustrating Days

We all have them.  The sweet, relaxed, refreshing days along with the confused, depressed days make up the story of our life.  Some days, I wake up with my feet in the "go" position and nothing stops me.  I accomplish my to do lists, pay the bills, clean the tubs, and look for more to add to my list so that I can check it off.  Other days, I wake up going and quickly fizzle out accomplishing very little but still feeling good and relaxed. Today has not been one of those days.  I woke up thinking and planning of three projects at once.  It is after noon, and I am still trying to decide between three projects.  Those three projects are as follows: Clean my kitchen ( I mean CLEAN the kitchen),

sort and put away photo props (that involves setting a scene, taking pictures,

and putting them into storage), and work on my office closet.  All the while the real chores (paying bills) goes unattended.  I did design my logo to add to my props.

So I turn the corner of my day, and as Fly Lady says, START OVER, right here, right now! I think I will go finish the kitchen, then pay bills, then put away the suitcases.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

I Come to the Garden Alone

Sunday morning, I was up before sunrise to capture a picture for a client's wedding day.  As I watched God's paintbrush in action, the sky lit up with glorious color. 
On purpose, I took this in the family field where the ceremony took place.
As the color faded, the daylight took over, and I could see my way to walk through the field.  I prayed for the couple and God's hand to be at work in their lives and in my own.
It was such a sweet time of fellowship in God's garden.  I was walking through the field when I noticed a unique plant.  I pounced on it.  I felt special to see such a treasure.  A heart filled with Love from God on such a quiet, beautiful day.
Then, I came across these pretty clover like stalks.

I added them to the heart and became even more delighted.

Another couple of steps, I began to see color everywhere in this field of green.

I added the bright red and green leaves to the mix.

Along the walk, I spyed another beauty and thought of my sister's love for the color purple.
and added it to the mix. 
Not totally done, I found a stalk of white flowers to add in.

Thrilled with all the color and beauty in my hand, I thought I was done.
It was not so. A Star grass bud was alone in the field. 

No longer lonely, it was added to the hand full of flowers.

I saw some grass that was beyond the normal green and filled with more maroon.
Once it was added, I was sure to be finished.
On the edge of the field, bright yellow flowers called to join in the party.

Yes, it was complete now.  I had a special bouquet along with a wonderful walk in the garden. I thought of the song lyrics, " I come to the garden alone, while the dew is still on the roses . . ."
The song implies I came alone but God didn't leave me there alone.  I feel just a bit more special in that God came with me to the garden and never left my side. I am blessed and encouraged by God's love for me and how he shows me how special I am by handing me a beautiful bouquet.


Monday, September 22, 2014

I absolutely love to photograph children.  I learn so much about my own desire to balance between what I reach for and the trust my Father to be there If I should fail.

This little boy was perfectly okay to climb as long as he could feel his father's hands reaching and touching him.  When he got too high to feel his father's hand be retreated to go down.  From above his sister called for him to trust her to climb. "You can do it! I'll be here to help you!"  I hear my own sisters calling to me, "You can do this!  One step at a time!"  I remember this father standing patiently not saying a word to coax or push, just supporting the little fellow if he was needing arms to fall into!  I am a brave individual most of the time, but I do play safe.  I watched this little guy reach a little higher, to go beyond what he knew, to trust his helper to be at the top with him. As I type this blog, I am in tears at the love, compassion, and patience that my heavenly Father has for me.  I do not trust Him as much as He deserves but he still stands patient, waiting and knowing that He will rejoice over my full trust in Him!
I also like a child, reach the top, spread my arms, and say, "SEE WHAT I HAVE DONE!"  And all the while, my Father waits patiently.  I am reminded every time I open an awesome image, my Father is the author and finisher of my faith.  I am in His production.  He may let me star in a role here and there, but He directs my heart to find and see the things he needs me to see.  Let me dry these tears and get back to working on some more awesome images.  Thanks for reading.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Okay  it is official!  I can now tell the world!  I will tell my 5 friends in the blog world!   I AM A grandma!!!  I will get to hold my grandbaby sometime around March 24!!!! They did not have plans to make me a grandma, but I am so excited! Our Curly Top will have a baby!

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Here I sit again, wondering why I do not make time to post everyday.  Sometimes, I think about moving all of my news and photos over here. Then, I remember this is where I go to be more personal. A friend said, this is less private than you think. She is right! I am shocked at how many people view my blog and I do not even know who they are.

I have been thinking about cleaning out my upstairs photo closet.  I am reminded of the clean sweep method where ALL IS REMOVED. Then, you redesign and layout the plan. Then you move things that you want to keep back in. I think I am too afraid of all the junk that I would think is worth keeping.

 For example, I have about 70 pairs of overalls that I have used in the past and will continue to.  Here is an example of what I use them for.
Since I am thinking of centering my focus to children's photography, I should keep the smaller overalls and let go of the others. Then I remember this one.
We had so much fun!  I love overalls. Still maybe it is time to thin down the collection.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

This week, I have tried to stay focused on just maintaining.  I have not really accomplished much in the declutter area.  This week, I have built a new trail on the property called Jessica's trail.  It is about 150-200 ft long. I completed about 100 ft so far. The baby birds have hatched and I try to take a picture every day of their progress.

Today, I went to the neighborhood field and picked some flowers. I called them mystery flowers, because I do not know what they are.  I sorted, bundled, and hung them to dry.  They will be added to wedding bouquets that I can offer to brides depending on how they dry.
I now have three bouquet ideas to offer to brides that want to get married on our property.

There will be more details on the "wedding" property soon, I hope!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

CARDS to encourage the world

Today's Goal is to go from a complete full drawer ( 12 inches x 15 inches x 10 inches deep) of odd and various cards down to this little organized portable file.  I do not need 200 birthday cards, 50 graduation cards, and 100 wedding cards. And I for sure do not need 500 BLANK cards that I will never mail nor give to anyone.  Believe it or not the cards pictured here are organized into divided categories.  Now to narrow my cards to a manageable blessing that can be used to bless everyone.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Yes, it is the floor. No, I do not know how long it has been since I have seen this area of my office. Almost looks like wasted space.  
So, I am working on decluttering. I find these boxes that I just taped up in April. WHAT  WHAT is in these boxes.  I know they are taped up for a reason. I have been walking pass them for two weeks, thinking I will get to them. Well, an hour ago was that time. As I am removing the tape, I remember. I had put fresh rose buds form my daughters yard in them in hopes that they would dry and be so so so pretty.  I opened to check and was surprised to find,
I had decided to do one box of Dogwood flowers.  My first attempt.  I am quite proud. I have a whole box. LOVE.  
The other box is of the rose buds and I LOVE them too.
I am so excited to work with them, but I digress.  I retaped them, stuck them back on the shelf, and continue with my declutter.
It's a big day for me.  I have been working, once again, on my office. Declutter is what I say but Reclutter is what I find myself doing!!!  
Well, today I came to a big suitcase of old pictures that I took and tried to resale to all the softball T ball teams. I opened the suitcase and cleaned it all out, placing hundreds of baseball pictures in the trash.  I reminded myself the whole time that If noone thought they were good enough to buy, WHY AM I STORING THEM??????  A good thought to help me trash them.   But
Then my heart jumped for excitement when I realised I HAD THROWN AWAY PICTURES>    YES  me the great picture saver person  HAD THROWN AWAY pictures  and Good pictures at that!!!!!
Then I had to just come blog about it.  SO rejoice with me, my dear few friends who even follow me over here.
I want to hug each one of you.  All 4 of you!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

This is the  door that I hauled home from the side of the road. It is so heavy I can only lift an end by myself.  Love the peep hole lens. It has two layers (insulated double thick) of frosted glass.